Sunday, September 11, 2011

Space Monkeys

So the title is clearly not the perfect one for the movie 'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes', but honestly, when you hear the real title isn't that what hits your head? Monkeys on a planet in space?

Two reasons why my chosen title doesn't fit. Firstly, because the movie is clearly about 'Apes' and not 'monkeys', the movie states that out so people don't get confused, they want to get technical about these things. The second reason is that nothing happens in space; absolutely nothing, the setting is completely on Earth. Now although the prequel (or sequel?) to this movie can more or less carry my proposed title it still wasn't about monkeys. Unfortunately, I was a little lost as to how both these films' story lines were connected and there were clearly a lot of things that were placed to keep audience in a wow state; clearly illogical though.

I don't care how smart a monkey, sorry, ape can get, even if somehow it manages to get a virus like the one in the movie, it can't learn to be an ace disk thrower, javelin thrower, and pro horse rider, in a matter of minutes. Contrary to the principle of the movie, that the apes are smarter, jumping through windows is not a very smart thing to do, especially if you're jumping from stories high. I understand that apes are capable of landing safely from high places but honestly I don't think they'd make it from 7 stories high.

A final note: the concept of the film was believable, monkeys would be capable of a lot of things had they become much smarter, but I personally believe that no matter how smart an animal can become, there is no way it could overcome instinct. Although apes do move in packs (chimps hunt in packs), I don't believe gorillas are able to overcome their dominant instincts and follow the lead of chimpanzees. It's also hard to believe that there wouldn't be any internal struggle among the chimps.

Also the movie slogan sucked... 'Evolution becomes Revolution' come on, really?

12/9/2011 Edit: I forgot to mention that I still thought it was a fun movie to watch : P

1 comment:

  1. u got a nice blog there sir :P
    i disagree with u on ur points, first this is a prequel as u stated, there around 7 parts of this movie that has been released in the past 30 years, and the title "Planet of the apes" states that our planet "EARTH" will be conquered by apes. Since u saw it i don't think I'm spoiling anything here but in the last scene of the movie the human's nose started bleeding from an infection that he got from the cough of a the fat guy (his co-worker in the lab) and he was in an airport logically he's going to start coughing near people who are in the airport who are people that are about to travel to another countries ! which makes it worldwide contamination. And the older parts of the movie stated that there are some people who are still alive but they are a minority in the planet so I would say those people had a strong immune system that was able to withstand that virus, so they didn't die from it and the apes used them as slaves as a revenge. This is at least what I think, you can wait for the sequel of the movie as they said they are releasing sequels for it. And about the gorillas following chimpanzees I think this is why it's called science fiction. he saved him and the gorilla was repaying the price of the freedom that was offered to him by Cesar.
    W ism7lna 3al tflsf :P

    U got a nice blog there keep on writing (Y) and I wish u the best in ur life
    and ignore my English mistakes I'm just practicing to become better :D
