Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Since I haven't watched anything in the cinema for over a month, I apologize to my readers for not posting in a long time. I'll be writing something a little different this time; finally some politics.

In a couple of days, the 10th anniversary of 9/11 will be upon us, unfortunately, it still feels like it only happened a couple of years ago. I remember stepping down from my room and into the living room only to see on television two tall buildings engulfed in smoke, that night I stayed up late simply to follow up on all the news that was going on surrounding the events; I was 12. It wasn't an event that only affected Americans but everyone in the world. This past decade has been difficult for everyone. With that said, a lot of people thought that this decade would be made easier with 8 years of Bush rule ending and a new era with Obama; sadly not.

I remember the day 'change' came to America, the day everyone in the world rejoiced that a black man was voted as President of the United States of America, the day everyone rejoiced but me. I like conspiracy theories and always thought that Obama was always going to win simply because I thought it would be good PR for America. The war on terror raged on, and Obama knew all the right things to say about Muslims, Guantanamo was supposed to be taken down, the troops were supposed to go home, and there was supposed to be less war. Unfortunately none of that happened, and I always argued with people about how I knew it was never going to happen. Sure, Iraq has far less soldiers than there ever was, but those soldiers were simply taken from there and into Afghanistan, and Pakistan became a new US front in the War on Terror. Ironically, for the first time in my life probably, although I'm not American, I'm rooting for a candidate in the elections; Republican and Congressman, Ron Paul.

No more troops outside of America, No more income tax, back to the gold standard, no more Federal Reserve, No more outside spending, and balanced budgets. All these intentions have been heard before, but Ron Paul actually adds logic that I like to hear: "They wouldn't be coming after us if we weren't in their countries to begin with. " or "The reason we're in debt is because we're trying to run an empire and borrowing money in order to keep running it. " I'm not going to keep this blog running for long but here's my two cents: if I were American, I'd vote for Ron Paul, he's sticking to the principles of the constitution that people in the whole world are able to respect, something that most American politicians have lost ages ago and especially in this past decade; reminds me of a certain JFK. Bear in mind, I'm not naive to think that simply because I like him he's going to be completely different from past presidents, but surely he's making the most sense. Watch his videos on youtube, they're all over the place.

This probably is the most pro-American talk you'll ever get from me so enjoy it! haha

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