Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Darker Side Of The Moon

I'm really starting to hate this habit of mine: fixating on things that I don't like about a movie. "Transformers: Dark Of The Moon" was, by far, much better than "Revenge Of The Fallen" in my opinion. There seemed to be a better story line, even though there were many unanswered questions and a lot of things that don't make sense. I guess those are givens when its an all action with lots of damage and destruction flash and bang movie. It had probably one of the longest action scenes I've ever seen in my entire life and all I could think about was "hmm something not right there".

The very first thing that got to me was the American history lesson everyone had to go through before continuing with the movie. Let's think a little here, was there really a need for that whole recap of how Americans reached the moon before the USSR? Did they have to bring in the real astronauts to act in the movie as a commemoration? Couldn't they just skip to the part where they say "we kept it a secret". Shortly after the history lesson, we are introduced to the new female protagonist fan service maiden! What joy! We got to see her bum before her face! Eat your heart out Megan Fox! and too many unnecessary characters; "Deep Wang" being one of them. The boss at the umm- what was it? The yellow floor working place?

I was quite surprised to see vehicles other than American, even though they called them and I quote ''a piece of S%#@'', I don't know if its coincidence but it was a Japanese Datsun that was portrayed as a bad car to have. Interesting to see Maybach and Ferrari in the film; obviously plenty of product placement. It was pretty funny to see somehow, after the final battle was won, there ended up an American flag flying high and proud over the Autobots and the other soldiers.

Being a big Transformers fan from childhood, I was pretty disappointed with 'Revenge Of The Fallen' and was pleased that this sequel was not a repeat of that. I still feel like the first movie was the only one that was close to portraying the real theme of Transformers; don't get me wrong, if you enjoy an action movie, you should watch this one! Enjoy!

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