Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Man 2 ? ... Or Army Men...

Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind? Can he walk at all? Or if he moves will he fall? ...

Love that song.

Last night I watched another anticipated movie of the year, ' Iron Man 2 '. Visually it was astounding... I'm a sucker for mechanical transformation ( loved transformers ) where THIS movie, although it wasn't full of it, defined what a 'Suit Case' SHOULD be like. I'm a big fan of Robert Downing Jr. , he never ceases to amaze me with the different roles he's played. I loved his cocky attitude in the movie, but I started to get sick of it, If I had to guess I would think the movie had a good 40 mins at the start of outright cocky-ness. Nobody minds laughing at how cocky people can be, but this was just too much.

So now although visually and acting-wise the movie was pretty good, if you've read my previous note on 'Clash Of The Titans', you'd probably guess that I'm not writing this note to review the movie. So to stay true to my intentions, here comes my rant. ( lol )

For the third time, the visuals and acting were fun to watch but one thing that got me really thinking about the intentions of this movie was the plot. For those who have not yet watched this movie, please just skip to the part where I start talking about propaganda. Was this movie just a blockbuster hit that everyone's been waiting for? was it the sequel that the producer wanted to make? was it really worth making a second movie for a plot like this one? Were people REALLY anxious to watch Iron Man 2 ? Did they REALLY need another Iron Man fix? Or were they still in the hangover from the first one.

Victor Vankev (can't remember the spelling) was the son of the man that worked with Howard Stark, Tony Stark's father. Now Vicky here is the main antagonist in the movie, the others being Mr. Hammer of Hammer Corp. Now at the beginning of the movie we see Vicky watching his father pass away and then make the ugliest cry I've ever seen. I've never seen and can't imagine someone crying like that when their father passes away. Anyway, throughout the whole movie it was clear that Vicky was mad at Stark, now it may just be me, but I could NOT figure out why the guy was so mad. He went after Tony at Monaco got owned and then daringly stated to Tony " You Lose ". So I thought " Ok , theres a bigger plan here. " But that plan never actually showed up. I mean SURE Hammer busted him out of prison to build stuff, but did he REALLY plan that? And even when he DID manage to build stuff, they GOT OWNED... Just like that. What was the whole point of Tony learning the secret of the universe when he didn't need it to finish up Vicky... AGAIN... where vicky daringly stated AGAIN... " You lose... " I just cracked up when I heard that. Maybe the point was to put a new shiny shape on his chest, a triangle. The point HERE is the plot sucked. But that's not what I wanted to point out.

What I wanted to point out to people was the intention behind the scene where Major Rhodes took one of the Iron Man suits to the US army. The whole scene did not include much footage of the suit itself but mostly the US soldiers, trucks, weaponry, and aircraft. It was as if to show the might of the US army even though the Iron Man suit had arrived. As if it was just a simple addition to their arsenal. Shortly after that scene Mr.Hammer had arrived to see the suit and offer some guns. In my opinion both these scenes were not necessary in the movie and it was simply a method for PROPAGANDA.

I've recently noticed a certain pattern in Hollywood movies that have been released since the 'War On Terror' started. Every movie that was bound to have teenagers or young adults watching them had military boast scenes. Is it me or is this just another method to brainwash people into thinking joining the military was cool. If you don't believe me what the hell was the point of releasing Transformers 2 ? Sure it was visually fun to watch but it was FULL of American Military scenes. The same goes for G.I. Joe and the Iron Man movies.

During the World Wars, America as well as other nations used Media propaganda to promote donations to the military as well as recruitment. It was in the bugs bunny cartoons, the Disney cartoons, and adverts in the movies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqMVpcbhpqw This link is also a good example on how America was pushing for the illegal income tax, but that's another story.

This may mean nothing to some people and I'll probably get alot of " you're reading too much into it, " or " You're a conspiracy theorist " or " who gives a fudge " But that's the problem, NO ONE GIVES A FUDGE.

This kind of thing may not affect people like us living in the Middle East, but it does affect brothers and sisters in the US, instead of forcing people to join the army and have another Mohammed Ali fiasco, why not just get them to like the idea of joining the army by making it look cool in the movies we watch?

Anyway I've written too much as it is and I'd like to end this by saying: Don't be a fool to what is around you, the world is turning into a very dangerous place where the divide of rich and poor is growing and the rich grow ever more powerful. Don't be ignorant to what is happening, don't be distracted by so many things that pleasure you in life, there are more important things to think about.

Thanks for your time,


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